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by Gabby Arnaout

2 years ago

WAAVmakers Blog

Meet WAAV Creative - Natasha Chomko!

Meet WAAV Creative behind "Dolly" - Natasha Chomko! Natasha is a Los Angeles-based artist and creative. She creates ethereal landscape art containing snippets of nature from all over the world, and combines astrological and space elements to create mini universes. 
Meet WAAV Creative - Natasha Chomko!

by Gabby Arnaout

2 years ago

Natasha Chomko is a Los Angeles-based artist and creative. She creates ethereal landscape art containing snippets of nature from all over the world, and combines astrological and space elements to create mini universes. She aims to make the viewer feel like they’re globe-trotting and time traveling all at once. Natasha is fascinated by complimentary colors and landscapes that fit perfectly together, although they might have lifetimes of distance between them. Her art illustrates how the world is far more connected than we think. Natasha’s artwork is featured in the “Dolly” cover pattern for WAAV’s exclusive inaugural planner collection. We sat down with her and asked her a few questions so you guys could get to know her better!

Tell us about yourself! When did you know that you wanted to be an artist?

Hi! My name is Natasha and I am the artist behind POST WOOK. I’ve been making art under this moniker since 2018, but I have been making collage art since I was 12. I was always creative, but I never thought I was an artist because I couldn’t draw or paint. I really convinced myself that only people who paint or draw could be artists! I also didn’t realize that digital art was a viable form of art, and even though I saw ‘cool art on the internet’ I never associated that ‘cool art’ with a cool digital artist who made it. In 2018 I found myself creatively drained after almost a year of working in my first full time job out of college and sought out a creative outlet so I opened up Photoshop on my phone and just made stuff that felt good. I didn’t show anyone at first because I was truly making art for myself and it felt so therapeutic. Eventually I started posting my art on my personal Facebook, and then on an Instagram I created to squat on the handle, @postwook.

I didn’t really know I wanted to be an artist until I already was one. I moved to Los Angeles with hopes of applying and attending law school, but life has a funny way of showing us what we need by diverting us from what we want.

Where did the inspiration behind your cover come from? 

I made Laverne / Rainbow Postcard, 2021 because I wanted to switch things up and make something with light and pastel colors that felt like something you’d long for in a dream. I like to create a lot of dark and emotional art so all of my ‘postcard’ series is meant to juxtapose those by inviting the viewer to a vintage dream world they’ve never actually seen before.

When you're not working on your art, what else can we find you doing?

I really like to go on walks and get coffee with my friends, and I prioritize my quality time with the people I love. On weekends you can often find me in the mountains or on the beach – weather permitting. I also like to collect and care for plants, so I spend a lot of time watering and just… staring at them.

Why were you excited to partner with WAAV?

I was! The team is so friendly and I really love the idea of connecting with an eclectic and conscious audience.

What is your perfect Friday night?

My perfect Friday night involves getting dinner and/or spending quality time with my close friends and my partner, and preferably laughing a lot or getting wrapped up in an interesting conversation. Ideally, I’d be in bed before 11 PM. I definitely thrive on my routine and prefer to capitalize weekend free time in the morning when I’m awake anyway. 

Who are some artists that inspire you and your style?

In no particular order or for any particular reason – I find Sebastian Waahl’s collage work inspiring; I love Paulina Amira’s work ethic and use of color; I adore Liron Eldar-Ashkenazi’s creativity and passion; I think Ronald Ong is not only a creative genius but also a complete legend; I love how Mischelle Moy and Nathan head create vibrant and iconic worlds of color through their respective photographs; and I love how Bernarda Conic captures life on film. My dear friend Ally Grimm always tells me what I don’t want to, but absolutely need to hear, and completely embodies ‘work smarter not harder.’ I’m very inspired by how all of these people show up for themselves, their communities, and others to create fantastic pieces of art time and time again.



1. Dogs or cats? – cats

2. Sweet or salty? – sweet

3. Favorite season? – spring

4. In n out order? – Double double animal style with a chocolate shake

5. Drink you order at the bar? – lemonade or club soda

6. Does pineapple belong on pizza? – Not on my pizza, thx

7. Your pizza order? - White or Detroit style

8. Favorite movie? – Inception

9. Favorite band? - Lana Del Rey plays with a band so that counts, right? 


Okay, last question… If you had to fight 1,000 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck, which would you choose and why? 

Easily 1000 duck sized horses, I can divert them faster than one horse sized duck!


Follow Natasha's socials to keep in contact with her at @postwook.

by Gabby Arnaout

2 years ago


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